Great news - I got a contract today (out of the blue) to do some database backend work for a large Sydney company. The web developer lives here, and was looking for someone to do the ecommerce part of the site, and someone gave her my name. I start working there next week, and it should work out well for my availability re uni/teaching course etc :)
So this afternoon I have been brushing up on scripting and databases and looking at how Dreamweaver MX handles it all, considering she will be using DW. It feels good to get a nice contract like this just fall into my lap :) although its going to keep me pretty busy over the next week revising what I already know, and going further as well.
I didnt get to go to the pool this morning. It was pouring when I woke up, which made me want to stay in bed, and the swim club starts fairly early, so I missed my window of opportunity. I hope to go tomorrow though - and maybe take the kids down the beach as well. I will take the laptop and continue working on this asp/db stuff :)