May 19, 2005 10:23
Hair Alert!
So, I've discovered a very interesting fact that you ladies should know. Actually, I didn't discover it, one of my guy friends let me on it this little secret (so i don't know how true it really is). He declares that 50% of how cute a girl is is in her hair. 50% of her looks involve her HAIR. 50%! Half of what he is attracted to is just by looking at her locks. Amazing. Superficiality just took on another level. Damn, now bad hair days really do count against you. I mean...i suppose there is some truth behind that. One of my roomates has a big thing for guys with brown curly, wavy hair. Perhaps, everyone has a personally preference for their opposite/same sex...maybe hair is not such a big turn on/off for other guys. Maybe others have feet fetishes, or softness of skin fetish, or perhaps even korean fetishes (already if they are korean, that counts for half of her looks or so some people tell me)...I personally have a thing with teeth, so I would not date anyone with like coming from 50 directions, looking like that are about to stab me. So what's our life lesson today? Get your hair done, teeth straightened, skin lotioned, feet polished, and pretend your korean because it's a damn cut-throat superficial world out here!