
Feb 01, 2008 17:47

I have braved three fears this week. I went to my first tissu class (and was too weak to fall on my head or to uncoordinated to get tangled up and strangle myself), I wrote my first grant proposal - which all in all wasn't as challenging as I though, it took three days, seven drafts and part of my brain I haven't used in a while - and I lasted a week with my gorgeous gal in another city.

The funny thing is this grant proposal is the first time I have ever submitted a piece of work that I wanted to ensure was perfect. I still submitted it five minutes before it was due but that is possibly because I didn't want leave it until I had agonised over every single word, stood up to everyone as to what was important for me and had to make it pretty.

The tissu class was awesome and with Tanya a friend teaching me who pushes you to new limits, I loved how much I learned, how much my body hurts and how I am looking forward to next week.

But I guess this week was me getting my shit into gear, deciding that performance and activities and production are what I want to do. I have been very dull to talk to of late because that is all that is on my brain but now it is settled I can put it aside and enjoy life. Its a good feeling

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