Jun 29, 2005 16:24
Wow yall! Lonnnnnnnnnnng time no see(well atleast it feels like it). So whats been up w/me?
I left from Houston 3:00 friday morning for New Orleans. I slept the whole 5 hrs here. We got here around 8ish. I registered then went to go fix my dorm room up. I met my room mate. She's from Bowie, MD. She's really cool, not mean, ghetto, or dirty. We've gotten to become acquainted with each other a lil bit. The only thing that annoys me about her is that she's SOOOOOOOOO self-concious and doubts herself too much which shows that her self-esteem is not where it should be. I dont like hanging around ppl that are self-concious and doubting. It makes me feel drained and i hate it! And then she's so clingy. Like when she hung out with my family she was just huggin on my mom...and now she calls her AUNTIE! Maybe its because her mom doesnt show her much attention or love like my mom does. Then when my parents left monday she was like "i miss ur mommie." And when my mom was here she asked if she could come to houston with us.
Anyways, after meeting my room mate, my parents, lil sis, brother and I went downtown. We ate a lot. The food is good! We went somewhere called Aunt Sallies pralines, then we ate at Fatburger which was yummy. After that we went back to the hotel to go swimming. Then my dad dropped me off at my dorm aroung 12:00am we had a 2am curfew...yes freakin dorm curfews! My roomate was still up though..we talked for a lil then went to sleep.
Saturday my roomate hung out with my family and I because she didnt have anything to do and her parents had left. I was not about to stay in the dorm all day either. So we went downtown. We stopped at some praline shop and got some candy. We ate at Cafe Masperos after that. Then we rode the trolley trying to get to the zoo but it was closed. So we just rode the trollies for an hour and some minutes just seeing what was in the city. After that we went to Lakeside Mall about 10mins away from the university. I love that mall! It reminds me of willowbrook in houston. My momma was sweet and bought me a whole outfit from aeropostale. Then my roomate went to BEBE and Forever 21 where she saw this brown skirt she wanted through the window. So we just said we would come back sunday and get it. After that we left and went to the movies at some place called The Palace. We saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith which was not worth paying for. Then my parents dropped us off at the dorms at 1:30 in the morning. LMAO at the old ladies that stand outside making sure the students get in on time. She was sooooo mean! My roomate was like "goodnight" to her and the lady gave her this nasty look. Anyways we got in the room, took showers in that nasty community showers then went to sleep in the dorm. Its so cold in the rooms. They make us keep the air on so it wont mold...can we say ewwwww!
Sunday my mom came bustin through our room (my roomate forgot to lock our door) wakin us up at 10 in the morning to go running at Audubon park. I was actually up but i was laying in my bed. My roomate was sleep. She said she usually gets up at noon, which annoys me also cause i hate late sleepers...makes u look lazy. But we did 4 miles, then we took showers at my parents hotel, then we all went to the audubon zoo. It was pretty cool. We only stayed about 2hrs though because we were trynna rush back to the mall so my roomate could get that skirt that she wanted before the store closed. I went to Abercrombie and bought a polo with a giftcard that someone gave me for graduation. Then we met up at the mall w/ this girl name Lauren that we became friends with at school. She had invited us to some play at her church. My roomate went, but i wanted to stay with my parents since they were gonna leave on monday. So after that my parents, bro, sis, and I went to go eat at Copelands which was GOOD! Then some relatives from Metarie came and joined us and we talked and took pictures. AFter that we left because i had to go get some food from Wal-mart before 11'oclock curfew. I stocked up on some ramen noodles, cereal, fruit, deli meat, bread, popcorn, granola bars, and baked chips. Then my parents dropped me off at my dorm. When i got to my room i met like a whole new group of girls cuz my roomate was talking to them. They were real cool and down to earth. We talked a good hr and listened to music. After that i took shower and went too bed.
[just a thought] my parents payed for everything for my roomate while she hung out with us. They spent about $65 on her.
Monday morning, school started. We go from 7:30 to 5 everyday, sometimes 7:30 to 3. Me and my roomate ate breakfast in the cafeteria. OMG i hate this food! I wonder how im gonna make it the next 4 years :X Then we went to class. Ughhhh it seemed soooo long. All we did was work work work...atleast i wont have to take this class in the fall like other freshmen. We went to lunch at 11:00. Gorssshhh my roomate eats sooooooooo much food. She's a toothpick right now though but if she keeps eating like this...shes gonna put on that "FRESHMEN 15." I would not dare eat like that. She had 2 slices of pizza, hamburger w/fries, cake, jello, and a slush...that just 1 LUNCH! I didnt say nothing though. She ate like that for dinner too! Im not about to gain weight..noo sirrrr! We got out early monday. Then we went to the dorm and just chilled. I got homesick that night though and cried a lil. I miss my mom and dad and friends and grandparents, and the homecooked food, and bein able to take my car and drive places. But after i said a prayer i felt wayyyyy better and stronger.
Tuesday-class from 7:30 to 5. We worked hard all day and i was soo tired. After class i just chilled in the dorm room. at 7 i went downstairs in the lobby to watch BET awards on big screen with all the other ppl. OMG destiny's child shocked me with those lap dances! Mariah sounded terrible..but she looked pretty. Omarion and Ciara were good and missy and glady's knight. After the awards i went back to get my books and study in the lounge with some girls i had just made friends with. It was sooooo fun! We did more talkin then studyin though, but we still got our stuff done. We ended up goin to bed at 2am.
Class today was alright. We had some quizzes. I didnt eat that nasty lunch in the cafeteria though. I went to my room and made me a sandwich, and had my lil fruit and chips. We got out of class at 4 today (YAY!). I have to study tonight. Lauren is gonna take my roomate, this chick from houston, and I to her house at 7 tonight because they're having something for her church called the Lifegroup. It's just a bunch of girls i guess learning the godly way of dating?? I dont know but we'll see.
Well Im about to go back to the dorm and chill a bit. The labtop that i brought here for my room doesnt work. So now i have to come to the library. Thats why i havent been on in a while...I wont have pictures because of my disfunctional labtop, but ill post some when i get back to houston on July 30..i took a lot! -Peaceout
Sorry my entry is so long-im not expecting yall to read it...just reflecting