Game day HUAH!

Sep 17, 2006 17:30

So I didn't sleep a WINK last night, but I guess its ok cuz I slept a lot the night before...well... the DAY before.  N e wayz, I started off the day w/ laundry and a fast shower, got dressed and then hopped in the car.  We took the metro to DC.  It was funny to watch my mom try and go through the ticket checker thing (she started off on the wrong side XP.)  After a nice relaxin ride, we got to our stop and went into the stadium!  We walked around a bit and found someone to ask about where our box was.  Oh thats right... she said BOX... as in SKYBOX ^.^  
My dad: Is this M3?
Director dude:  This is DHS
My dad:  M3?
Me:  Dad...Its DHS...Department of Homeland Security (ya know... like where you work :P)

They had such a neat set up.  Hot dogs, chips, drinks, cushy couches and air conditioning.  We had a few dogs and then went out in time to see a panda throw the first pitch (ok... it was a guy in a suit..but it was still cute #^.^#)   Very nice seats in the shade up in the miller lite beer box (teehee.)   So I sat around pretty bored to begin w/ and slowly befriended those around me.  Complainig that they cut off the songs way too early not giving the crowd enough time to join in (hey... I think this guy DJed some of our school dances ;P) After having 1 and a half mountain dews and seeing the "presidential race"  (these really nifty mascots of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln w/ gaint foam heads...I WANT ONE O.O) I decided to go in search of cotton candy, or as i called it at that point "the guy w/ the giant pink fluffy head!"  I found it and bought 2... one for I still have.  So now I have MORE sugar in my system and Im going CRAZY coming up w/ an awesome new game called DoomBall, being sidetracked by everything that moves, and screaming as loud as I can.  Fortunatly, I got into the game just as they scored 3 runs off a single.  Sweet.  We stayed the whole game, and I even met a co-worker who likes MCR and Panic at the Disco (I was wearing my shirt, so thats how the convo started.)

We are home now, and Im gearing up for the skins game tonight.  Hopin they have the same luck as the nationals (who won 6-1.)  Im gettin my jersey washed (cuz it wasn't lucky last week so therfore it must be washed... along w/ the rest of the lil outfit I wear.)  Im gonna take a shower and maybe eat some food and then wait around till game time, hopein Brunell doesn't do anything stupid, they give the ball to Cooley more then once, and that TOM BLOODY F'IN CRUISE ISN'T THERE TO RUIN IT!!!!!!!! x\_/x   I'll give an update after the game... but today has been soooo much fun ^.^

BTW We should SOOOOOOO ride metro to Katsucon!!! It will be AMAZING!!! >
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