I don't mind internals, I requested one because I wanted to know if my cervix was dilating / favourable (because I "had" to have one with Mirabelle when they thought my waters had gone and I was told I was 3cm dilated and that was a week before she was born, so I wanted to see if all these cramps and contractions were causing dilation or if they were just happening...) Whilst she was in there she offered a sweep and I thought, heck why not! I've never had one before, it was an interesting experience... I know it'll only work if I'm ready, I assume on some level given I am now 4cm dilated my body *is* ready, but it still doesn't seem to be happening. There is a part of me that is worried, but for the most part I assume things will kick off.
I am booked in for induction on Friday, as it is standard procedure. I won't be going tho'. I'm not sure how I'll feel Thursday evening if the baby still isn't here, but I don't want an induction, so long as I am healthy and the baby remains active I am happy to wait. Beyond that there is no plan. My plans have definitely been thwarted by this baby so now I am trying not to plan. It is frustrating, Jim is bored at work because they won't give him anything worthwhile to do, the girls are confused and I am feeling all fidgety. If someone could say "right baby will DEFINITELY come in two weeks on this day" I wouldn't mind, it's not being overdue that bothers me, it's the not knowing part...
If you can reach you or Jim could do your own sweeps. If you're 4 cm then you'd be able to feel the baby's head, it's rather cool if you're into that sort of thing. I felt all of my babies as they were being born.
Hopefully all the prep work your body has been doing will give you a nice easy labour when the time comes.
Jim has had a go >.< I can't reach, I've tried but alas I am not flexible enough. I've always been offered to have a feel of the head and have never wanted to, it's strange isn't it? I thought I'd want to but when the opportunity arose I was very much against it! Similarly I can't look at the pics of Mirabelle being born, it's as if I need to detach myself from it all a bit, I do go ever-so quiet and withdrawn.
I am hoping for an easyish labour, I am feeling quite robust and ready and I am ever so excited! This baby is one big tease!!
I am booked in for induction on Friday, as it is standard procedure. I won't be going tho'. I'm not sure how I'll feel Thursday evening if the baby still isn't here, but I don't want an induction, so long as I am healthy and the baby remains active I am happy to wait. Beyond that there is no plan. My plans have definitely been thwarted by this baby so now I am trying not to plan. It is frustrating, Jim is bored at work because they won't give him anything worthwhile to do, the girls are confused and I am feeling all fidgety. If someone could say "right baby will DEFINITELY come in two weeks on this day" I wouldn't mind, it's not being overdue that bothers me, it's the not knowing part...
Hopefully all the prep work your body has been doing will give you a nice easy labour when the time comes.
I am hoping for an easyish labour, I am feeling quite robust and ready and I am ever so excited! This baby is one big tease!!
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