Dec 01, 2006 04:26
so im sure i should be trying to sleep but instead i find myself updating... this time for a good reason... gabe and i are going out again and i gotta admit it feels right. im not sure what it is but hes got some kinda spell over me or something. apparently he counts since we went to the city on my bday although he only asked/informed me about it well tech yesterday now (30th), but he wants to use 21 so yea that works for me :)...i dont really have much to add other than that so i figure ill fill out katies long ass quiz now
Seven Lasts:
7. last beverage: water @ the diner
6. last phone call: Gabe
5. last text message: my cell phone is not currently in reach
4. last song played: my only wish by britney spears on now thats what i call christmas
3. whos it by: hmm apparently i answered to much in that last question.. read up
2. last bubble bath: dont remember but man are they relaxing
1. last time you cried: not sure
Eight have you's:
8. have you ever dated someone twice: yes (sometimes a second chance is necessary)
7. have you ever been cheated on: nope
6. have you ever bought condoms?: nope
5. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it? there are a couple id like to forget but for the most part no
4. have you ever fallen in love?: yes
3. have you ever lost someone?: yepp.. miss u pop-pop 6/13/05
2. have you ever been depressed: hasnt everyone been depressed at some pt or another
1. have you ever kissed 2 people in one day: actually...yea
Six things you did in the past three days:
1. Went to school: sadly yes.. i wanna be on break soo bad
2. Went to work: yep 12-8 on wed
3. Colored: no i wish i love coloring...yea im like 5
4. kissed someone: uh huh :D
5. Got drunk: nope had a rum and coke the other night but def not enough to get drunk
6. Slept: yep... its nicer when someones next to me though ;)
List Three favorite colors:
3.Green (some shades)
List Two things you want to do before you die:
1. Get married/have kids (yes that goes together in my book)
2. id like to be in a play on broadway at least 1
SO FAR IN 06':
Been to school - uhhhh...yes! lol
Made a new friend - yes!! :o)
Fallen out of love - no
Laughed until you cried - of course!
Went behind your parents back - urm i dont think so
Met someone who changed your life - hmmmm...ill get back to ya on that one
Gotten close to someone - ::nods::
Found out who your true friends were - i pretty well know but yea ive had a couple of rough experiences this year lol
1. Bush? dont hate him but i dont think hes a good prez. im gonna leave it at that
2. Gay Marriage? if thats what makes the person happy y not? its not hurting anyone
3. Lowering the drinking age? if u can vote at 18 i think u should be able to drink then somethings messed up about this age thing...but it doesn't effect me now cause im 21 lol
4. Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight
5. Do you have a crush on someone? crush..sure we can call it that
6. Who is the best hugger that you know? so many of my friends give good hugs i dont think i could fairly pick just one.... but the first name that comes to mind is MARY
7. Do you believe in love at first sight? although soo many things in life say not 2....yea i do what can i say im a romantic at heart
8. Is there something you want to tell someone? there's always something...
9. What brand of shirt are you wearing? red coca-cola night shirt... its silky :)
10. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends? Top friends...meaning myspace...or personal..or both.. either way doesnt matter answer is yes..although the person/people involved change if i mean on the cheek or on the lips
11. Do you have "a thing" with someone? a thing.... hmm a relationship i suppose could be considered a thing so sure
12. How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? all lol
13. How many kids do you want to have? 3
14. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yea overall although im much closer to my mom shes become one of my friends instead of just a parent
15. Do you want to change your name? only when i'm married...(i agree katie)
16. What did you do for your last birthday? went to the city with gabe :D
17. What time did you wake up today? urmm really late...well wait wake up or get up 2 very different answers
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping. leaving Gotham City from seeing Volatiare perform
19. Name something you CANNOT wait to do: be finished with finals... and spend time with the friends from long island n parents and SLEEP
20. Last time you saw your Dad? urmm... sunday when i was leavin to come back to school
21. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? im pretty content right now minus some of this work
22. Which hand do you like better? urmm i guess im gonna have to go with my left after all im left handed
23. What are you doing right now?layin in bed filling this out then hopefully going to sleep being its ooh god after 4 am
24. Have you ever talked to Tom? u mean the myspace tom... no
25. Have you ever donated money to a good cause? yeah
26. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back? not some of my best moments but yea hasnt everyone
27. Least favorite month? urm im not sure i have a least favorite month
28. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone? ...?
29. Who's getting on your nerves right now? no one really
30. Most visited webpage? facebook, myspace, livejournal...etc
31. Would you help your best friend fight if he/she is losing? id be there to help them either way if i could ive always got my friends backs
32. Coke or Pepsi? either
33. What's the worst day of your life? do i really have to answer that.. im gonna say no and move on
34. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week? hee hee... yea... i thought we had this question already but its ok i dont mind answering it... makes me smile cause makes me think of gabe :)
36. Do you think there's some models/people out there, that should gain a couple pounds? UHHH...duhhhhhhhhh!
37. Do you wish you lived in NYC? yea id love to live in the city for a couple of years after graduation but well see what happens
ok its done and im beat so sweet dreams :D