(no subject)

Oct 20, 2004 15:33

Sometimes Chris and I take it too far.
lIl skootttt: Chriis
siliconeyouth214: yes
lIl skootttt: chriiis
siliconeyouth214: yees
lIl skootttt: what's going on?
siliconeyouth214: you tell me
lIl skootttt: um, how about neeeww?
siliconeyouth214: how about yeeeeees?
siliconeyouth214: you're eating whipped-cream aren't you?
lIl skootttt: no...
siliconeyouth214: 8-)
siliconeyouth214: gaweeeeeeeeeeeee!
siliconeyouth214: ah back in '76 those were the days
lIl skootttt: yep
siliconeyouth214: you don't remember '76! You were too stoned
lIl skootttt: yeah probablyt
siliconeyouth214: you and bobby maccaroni
siliconeyouth214: whatever happened to bobby?
lIl skootttt: he got hit by a passing bus one day while we were at the zoo blowing weed smoke at the tigers
siliconeyouth214: damn
siliconeyouth214: I remember his nickname
siliconeyouth214: Bobby the booby
lIl skootttt: yeah that was it
siliconeyouth214: I think he ate small animals
lIl skootttt: yeah like chipmunks and ferrets
siliconeyouth214: he gnawed on bill gate's leg
siliconeyouth214: and got schooled by bill's gang, the microsoftians
lIl skootttt: awesome
siliconeyouth214: awesome?
siliconeyouth214: they'll come for you!
siliconeyouth214: they spare no man
lIl skootttt: bring them on
lIl skootttt: I've got giovanne
siliconeyouth214: they'll distract him
siliconeyouth214: with balloons
siliconeyouth214: and pop-tarts
lIl skootttt: lies
lIl skootttt: Balloons are pop-tart's mortal enimy
lIl skootttt: enemy
lIl skootttt: *
siliconeyouth214: not since the great kellogg's runion of '79
siliconeyouth214: *reunion
lIl skootttt: no becasue Tommy Palinulky got in a fight with the prime minister from balloonia
siliconeyouth214: and then they had sex
siliconeyouth214: so they kind of made up
lIl skootttt: nah
lIl skootttt: tom was in it for the ass
lIl skootttt: that's it
siliconeyouth214: well, now he wants more
siliconeyouth214: he can't get enough
lIl skootttt: much more
lIl skootttt: never enough
siliconeyouth214: and then rain but 2+88 said yabel kinder words thee don't know abnout all that smack(heroin) "go now for the forces of, oh shit! my stocks went bad and I fell oh look a well, well I can't know shit!!" and then a revolution came about sticking up form bad soil with bad seeds
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