today was a good day! i am glad to be at skool kinda seeing old friends again! blast!lol yah im so mad i dont have lunch with megan or alex! i have second! no one really has second! who has second????? well i didnt get lost until 6th period cuz i had to take the long rought!lol yah what a bumer so then i didnt get a good seat!lol!yah well i dunno
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Comments 5
So I'm taking it that you're enjoying school, eh??? That's awesome!!! I'll trade ya in a heart beat. I'm not too much of a fan of mine right now. I have a feeling that this is going to be a lousy semester! Grrr.. Oh well, almost done then I can leave this joint. Yee Haww!!
When are ya going to get a picture on your livejournal eh?? Want me to do a search for ya?? Give me a topic you're after and I'll hook ya up Butter cup!! LOL
I got a call from the doc today, he said that my leg might have a chip missing from it. FOR THE LOVE!! IS EVERYTHING GOING TO GO WRONG FOR ME THIS MONTH??? Shoot me now!!
Alright anyways, I'm probably going to get a new car shortly, that'll be fantastic!! :-D
Take care, love ya!! PEACE OUT
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