Kingsman DVD

Feb 28, 2016 08:27

inamac loves this film, so it was definitely time to stick it in the player ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

madfilkentist February 28 2016, 11:09:44 UTC
Just going by what you say, I wonder if the making-of documentary wasn't part of the parody. I'm not even a "Man from UNCLE" fan, but I know about its secret organization hidden behind a tailor's shop. (The Mad parody is what stuck that firmly in my memory. There it's so well known that when the protagonists walk into the wrong tailor shop, they're directed to the right one.)


lil_shepherd February 28 2016, 20:50:53 UTC
Possibly it is parody, but it doesn't view like it. Vaughn goes into great detail about how he was having a suit made at a Saville Row tailor and how he suddenly thought how great it would be to have a cover where everyone who went to the tailor was in a secret intelligence organisation.

Likewise, he actually names the 'expert' who supposedly told him that the easiest way to kill off most of the Earth's population was ultrasonics that would make everyone kill each other, and that the Gaia theory, was, you know, established fact.

This is a movie that turns climate change scientists into villains, and equips an actor plainly meant to be Obama with one of the implants that explode the heads at the end. Forgive me if I am a little sceptical about it...


snailbones February 29 2016, 21:11:05 UTC

Thank you! I was about to pop this one on my 'to rent' list, but given who I'm likely to watch it with, I'm backing away from it rapidly!


lil_shepherd March 1 2016, 11:23:00 UTC
Oddly, some of the greatest fans of this film are those you'd expect to be up in arms about that scene... Don't ask me why.


carbonel March 2 2016, 18:31:45 UTC
Roger Ebert panned Kick-Ass so emphatically that I remember it years later. And he thought even less of the sequel.

(edited to fix HTML)


lil_shepherd March 3 2016, 21:06:58 UTC
I didn't always agree with Ebert but he was a wonderful critic. I just found 'Kick-Ass' terminally boring and unfunny.

I still yell 'Fruit Cart!' but not actually in the cinema...

(I didn't agree all the time with the London Standard's critic either but I will never forget his review of 'Signs' which some sub-editor had headlined "Alien Corn" - summing up my feelings perfectly as did the review.)


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