
May 23, 2015 19:29

Didn't see this at the cinema, for various reasons.

First impressions are: beautiful cinematography, sound utterly crap. (Which is one of the reasons, given its rep for this, that we are happy to be watching with subtitles.) Script pretty good, plot hopeless. Acting good. No comment yet on the astronomy or the physics or, for that matter, the engineering, but the biology is also crap. (No understanding of ecology.)

Too much bloody mysticism.

The robot is quite ridiculous.

"Most famous solo yachtsmen in the world don't know how to swim." Twaddle.

Excuse me, but if that planet is that close to a huge black hole then it is going to fall into the Black Hole eventually, so why the fuck are you all worrying about the time dilation effect when it is plainly NO USE as a colony.


Didn't it occur to anyone that a planet with oceans orbiting a Black Hole would have tides of extreme intensity? (And that, of course, is a real tidal wave, not a tsunami. Lovely special effect, shame about the stupidity of the crew.

And I'm not happy about the one woman crewmember supposedly basing her judgement on love... stereotypes, anyone

Meanwhile, Ina states she cannot posit a universe in which they get Murphy's Law wrong.

And the pacing is off. Too much pseudo-philosophical twaddle.


Someone just said the equivalent of "There are some things man was never meant to know."

And some folks already think they have come close to reconciling General and Special Relativity with Quantum Mechanics.

"Do you have an idea?"

"A feeling."

SCREAMS even louder!!!!

None of these planets feel in the least alien. And they are dreadfully unimaginative, compared with the reality within the planets and moons of our own solar system.

Oh, ghod, this is Nolan unable to kill his babies again. These long space sequences are pretty but plain boring, and that music is just... just... not good.

Here we go, the good ol' slingshot effect. *sigh* I wish I could believe that this is a Trek tribute.

Y'know, I thought they had a scientific advisor on this. This is all pushing coincidence and special pleading too far.

Now we've got a typical deus ex machina.

The 'power of love'.


Ina, in disgust: "This movie is all clichés." She then blamed a nationality which isn't Nolan's. I'm not sure if she just mean "bloody Hollywood suits". Then she added, "This makes 2001 look compact."

And the sound is, indeed, totally crap.

science fiction, liveblog, movies, film, review

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