Fifty Ways To Get Eliminated

Aug 04, 2014 20:09

Yesterday, my gorgeous Smooth Collie, Bren, went to his first BAA (British Agility Association) show, Jumping Jacks at Redhill. Thing started off reasonably well - we made good time over the river but arrived lateish at about ten to nine, and in the next 50 minutes got the dogs measured (again in Draco's case) with slightly different results than ( Read more... )

bren, agility

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Comments 6

moonlightmead August 5 2014, 07:40:13 UTC
Oh wow, eventful! (In every sense of the word, now I come to think of it.)

I imagine that you were doing this for fun and to get Bren started and so it wasn't really too stressful? I hope so - particularly because your account really made me laugh. And now I am re-reading it and finding bits I hadn't seen the first time, and laughing again.

Poor Bren! Poor Lil!


lil_shepherd August 5 2014, 11:58:54 UTC
We do agility for fun, and it has taken Bren a long time rouse up much enthusiasm for it, though we have found that the secret is a grass surface, rather than the shredded rubber of the riding school where we train.

I won't steal Ina's thunder, but the fact is that Draco won the award for 'class clown' at our club for the way he behaves in competition rings. And usually about half the 'Introductory' classes will get eliminated. This was only Bren's second show, and at the first one he was faced with some courses that were too difficult for that level.

Bren will never be fast enough to compete at high level and, indeed, does not have the enthusiasm. (To quote our instructor: "That dog is so laid back he's horizontal!")


muninnhuginn August 5 2014, 13:47:38 UTC
Gosh! I'm exhausted just reading that!

It does sound like it was (mostly) fun.


lil_shepherd August 5 2014, 17:20:55 UTC
Apart from a couple of embarrassing moments - yes, it was.


heleninwales August 5 2014, 15:47:00 UTC
I hope you all enjoyed the day out, regardless of Bren's ingenuity at being eliminated. :)


lil_shepherd August 5 2014, 17:20:25 UTC
It was a really good day out. We ended up sitting with friends under the trees, watching others compete from afar... and the lovely Fizz, a splendid Sheltie, who was competing in veteran, insisted on sitting on my lap.


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