A last word on 'Sherlock'

Jan 19, 2014 19:22

I do not object to Gattis, Moffat and Thompson writing fan fiction (or sharecropping, if you prefer.) I could hardly do so when I write fan fiction myself ( Read more... )

sherlock, tv, fan fiction

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Comments 7

lukadreaming January 19 2014, 19:52:29 UTC
Yes, yes!


shiv5468 January 20 2014, 08:53:52 UTC

Sherlock is as much mine as theirs. I've lived with in for nigh on thirty years. I am allowed to care about what they do to the characters.


lil_shepherd January 20 2014, 12:03:46 UTC
I am waiting, with some trepidation, for la_marquise_de_'s reaction to last night's The Musketeers (apart from the photography which I think no one will disagree was spectacular.) I liked it a lot, and thought that if you have to reimagine something, this is the way to do it. However, she is not just a long-term fan of Dumas and the musketeers (and Aramis!) but an expert (and an historian, though this is not her period) who has co-authored a book on the subject and whose own novels show a certain Dumasian sensibility...


shiv5468 January 20 2014, 15:06:46 UTC
I taped it and am very much looking forward to evil cardinals and henchmen.


bookzombie January 20 2014, 12:40:18 UTC
I'm looking forward to that too! We've recorded the program but probably won't get around to watching it for a couple of days.


bookzombie January 20 2014, 12:47:54 UTC
This doesn't bother me too much - maybe because I'm not immersed enough in the cannon to really spot it (but strangely I do get unaccountably annoyed by the fact that all the original books have been re-released with Cumberbatch and Freeman on the covers.)

However, in a not-unrelated vein, I do find myself getting irritated with Moffat's continuing campaign to re-write all of Doctor Who history to suit himself. It feels a bit disrespectful somehow. I know it's something all DW show-runners do to an extent, but Moffat seems to be particularly obvious about it.


lil_shepherd January 20 2014, 16:37:37 UTC
Re-writing Dr Who (which is a collaborative effort often retconned) is one thing, but to suggest (nay, state) that their ridiculous retcons are what Conan Doyle actually intended -- with a blatant lack of understanding of context, not to mention plain grammatical words -- annoys me exceedingly. (Though if I was invested in 'Who' I would probably be just as annoyed as you are.)


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