It's been an interesting day...

Oct 18, 2013 19:37

I started off at 5am with a couple of hours checking my beta's changes to Chapter 12 of 'But in Battalions' (which is now here

posted it at AO3 and links at cap_ironman.

Got all that finished but by then it was time to get washed and dressed and take Bren and Kurt-the-Havana to the vet. Kurt turned out to be in fine fettle, though his teeth are not good and Alistair-the-vet marched out with him under his arm and he and one of the nurses pulled out the offending tooth with fingers. Kurt is a very gentle cat -- though he protests loudly -- and soon he was back in his box plus a long term antibiotic injection as well as the usual annuals.

Bren's problems are on-going, of course. He has been treated for harvest mites by Frontline spray (though he still chews his paws) and is on a specialist diet (Hills Z/D which he loves, and which is as hypoallergic as it is possible to get), weekly baths which control the itch and grease on his coat, and one small steroid pill every two days. Alistair thinks it is not just a food allergy and he's probably right. However, I was pleased that he also thinks we have got things under control, that Bren's skin and coat aren't too bad, and that he is not overweight (a real problem if the dog is on steriods) and is definitely fit. The steroid dose is so low that it isn't a worry, but I am still hopeful we can cut them down even further.

We then dropped off Kurt at home, picked up Draco and went for a walk on Fairlop plain, getting back just before the weather changed.

It has to be said that by that time I was ready for a little kip, and so missed Kermode and Mayo, which I will have to pick up on the podcast.

However, just before I dozed off I was summoned to the utility room (ex-garage) by a panicked Ina; a package stored below the boiler had now got a wet patch. I couldn't find any damp or sign of a leak on the boiler itself and I suspect, personally, that water blew in earlier in the week through the flue. Our plumber is due in to service the boiler next month, and we might be able to last out until then. For now, the package has been moved and a bucket put in its place.

Tonight saw us take advantages of special offers at Pet Planet to buy a big dog bath for Bren (it's certainly cheaper than getting him professionally washed each week at £30 a throw, though we might resort to this if it snows!) at about £50 quid - also some more of Bren's food which was on offer (as a spreadsheet quickly confirmed.)

Now Ina is out baking oat biscuits which include spiced rum...

kurt, bren, dogs, vet, cats, diary, baking

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