More photographs, mainly of dogs...

Jun 20, 2013 16:14

I see her Maj has just won the Gold Cup. By gum, though, there have been some great finishes at Ascot this week.

This morning we took the dogs down to Fairlop plain. This resulted in an excellent photo of Bren.

And a meeting with two lovely Siberian puppies.

But, by gum, I wouldn't like to be their owner in three or four months. They are going to drag her off her feet.

Nor will any small animal be safe. ("My neighbour keeps rabbits - well, used to keep rabbits," the owner of a Siberian team told me once.) Not that small animals are safe with Draco who, in combination with an excited and interested Bren, cornered a baby rabbit out by the back of the lake in Bedford's and had pretty much killed it by the time we got them off. Ina despatched it. The baby bunnies who loped across our path today were safe enough as we spotted them from a distance and put the monsters on lead.

I'd taken the camera expecting insects, but we spotted only one butterfly, though a satisfying number of bumble bees and such. Only one worthwhile shot, though.

Mainly, though, there were lots of boats.

bren, dogs, boats, insects, photography

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