Oooooh, classy.

Mar 13, 2013 15:58

Yesterday, over on Facebook, I was invited to sign a petition for the reburial of Richard III at York (a 'cause' that has me ROTFLOL because, you know, I really don't care) that began, "I respectfully demand..." Apart from the fact that this smacks of "With all due respect..." (i.e. none) if I received that it would be binned at once.

I haven't been following this story, and so this BBC report, posted on the 12th March, passed me by.

Abusive letters sent to York Minster because they support -- as they must -- Leicester's plans. I do hope the Richard III Society is not behind those, particularly as I have good friends who are members.

What's more, Leicester are talking about a simple slab, which has, you know, to be better than the OTT plans of the Richard III Society.


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