Fanfic - Avengers: Falling into the Void Together

May 22, 2012 20:02

For the first time in simply ages, ladies and gentlemen, a fanfic by me.

My thanks to my fanfic folk who commented in the original locked post.

This is set in the Marvel Movie Universe, post The Avengers basically gen, though it can be viewed (by me) as Steve/Tony and is a simple attempt to get the voices of those two characters and to point up ( Read more... )

avengers, steve/tony, fan fiction

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Comments 14

starcat_jewel May 22 2012, 19:41:41 UTC
I haven't seen the movie, but I'm not especially worried about spoilers. This is excellent! I especially like it that Steve is consciously not up-to-date on idiom, and has trouble figuring out how to describe a nontraditional relationship without using derogatory terminology from his own era. That's the sort of thing a lot of people writing time-travel stories get wrong.

This is also exactly the kind of fanfic that I most enjoy reading -- backstory, filling-in-the-blanks, and aftermaths, the sort of things that don't get told in the main story because they're digressions. But if you're willing to accept that the stories are about people who might have been real, then they do have backgrounds and side-issues and the story doesn't just end with a happily-ever-after. And I get curious about those things! So if/when I get around to seeing the movie, this is going to be in my head-canon for what happened after the credits rolled.


lil_shepherd May 22 2012, 19:44:59 UTC
That is one of the best comments I've ever had. It's what I aim to do a lot of the time,

Thank you.


evilmissbecky May 22 2012, 20:49:21 UTC
OMG you write Avengers fic too! Now if only we could get ladyofastolat to join us... :-D

I love this. I'm a huge sucker for stories where Steve and Tony confront the elephant in the room known as Howard. I definitely hope to see more from you!


lil_shepherd May 22 2012, 20:52:05 UTC
Thank you. I've been going, "Oh, look, it's evilmissbecky!

May I friend you?


evilmissbecky May 22 2012, 20:58:26 UTC
Absolutely! :-)


dickgloucester May 22 2012, 20:52:45 UTC
I still like this very much. The line about someone very clever figuring out that Steve knows what it's like to be alone made me well up.


lil_shepherd May 22 2012, 20:54:14 UTC
Thank you, m'dear. Your input was appreciated, believe me.


bradygirl_12 May 22 2012, 21:49:15 UTC
Wonderful story! I like the way you kept us in the dark as to why Jarvis summoned Steve and then it all unfolded in heartbreaking detail. Your use of detail and shading of emotion was excellent.

Steve and Tony click because they are very much alike under the surface: alone, lonely, and wanting very much to be part of a team.


lil_shepherd May 23 2012, 06:22:02 UTC
Thank you so much, particularly the comment about shading of emotion. *blushes* Long, long ago (and I mean pre-internet and even pre-computers) I had a rep for over-indulgence in these areas. My reform is a indifferent at times.

I signed up for cap_ironman big bang and then thought "I don't even know if I can get these characters' voices and I don't write American fandoms and Ulp!" This is my toe-in-the-water. I'm glad you thought it okay.


birdsedge May 23 2012, 01:13:31 UTC
Very enjoyable. Thanks.


lil_shepherd May 23 2012, 10:36:59 UTC
Thank you. Didn't realise you read fanfic! Do you want to go on my custom fanfic list? It is mainly occasional discussions and the odd rec, though there may be more fan fic written by me in the not-so-distant future.


birdsedge May 23 2012, 11:00:18 UTC
I don't really read fanfic much unless I stumble upon it. I've read some in the past that was excellent and other stuff that... well... frankly should never have been let out of its box. I'm always dubious, but happy to be on your list, thanks. Recommended stuff has always been good.

I'm just not interested in some unknown person's Mary Sue sexual fantasies being aired in public.


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