(no subject)

May 28, 2010 08:14

I don't do lists of animals and plants seen, like temeres, but I do like to identify anything that catches my eye, or the lens of my camera. (For instance, the insect sitting on the buttercup in the last set of photos I posted is probably the damselfly Calopteryx virgo - the Beautiful Demoiselle, female version.)

However, I didn't have my camera when, in Chigwell Row Wood, we came on medium sized insect (maybe a centimetre long) with wonderful bright scarlet wing cases. This appears to a be Black-headed Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa coccinea)and is quite rare. However, Chigwell Row wood is managed for insect life, with felled or fallen trees often left to rot and this is just the sort of place where this beastie hangs out. I am chuffed.

Incidentally, the damselfly is listed as flying in June and you are apparently more likely to see the beetle from June too ... global warming, anyone?

natural history

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