
Mar 09, 2010 14:05

Draco barks. In particular, he barks at anything, particularly woodpigeons, that invade his space, which, as far as he is concerned, is our (small) garden and the two gardens either side. We will not speak about him leaping in the air and barking like crazy at the sight of a cat through the glass door into the hall.

A few minutes ago he started barking with more than his usual vigour. Finally, after a number of "Quiet!"s and "Shut up!"s (yes, I know, but it relives my feelings) I went o take a look. There, on the fence was a big (presumably dog)fox. I leaped for my camera, and the fox leaped down into next door's garden.

Naturally, though the fox is long gone, Draco is still hyper and has refused to shut up. In fact, he is now in his crate, prior to me taking him down to the garden where he can make sure there is NO FOX.

wildlife, draco, photography

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