So this weekend wasn't as..exciting as others have been. Band on
saturday. we did alot better though. we got 1st place and caption for
Best Music and General Effect. i wasn't surprized when we did't get
best marching..b/c honestly we have some people that suck! not saying
that i dont' suck sometimes..b/c i know i do. but there are some haha. sitting in the stands was horrible. i
was so cold. my whole body was shivering and when we got back inside to
get our knuckles were blue and it took me forever to get
warm. the bus ride home sucked ass...i never want to have that again.
even though i know i probubly will. i don't know how i was being
annoying to HIM..but i guess it was enough for him to want to end
things with me. all i ever asked of you was to hold my hand a few times
and act like a boyfriend. i don't understand how that was annoying.
i'll try to stay happy, but i want you to know that
but i doubt he'll realize that anyways. sorry in advance if i seem down
for the next few days...maybe if im lucky, things will get better for
me. but for now i can only hope for it.
I'll talk to ya'll later
-<33- Suzie xoxo