QUESTION MEME-- cuz I likes them . . .

Nov 06, 2009 11:25

Wilma's set:

# I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
# Update your journal with the answers to the questions
# Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

1.) Why do you love the Sixth Doctor so much out of all of them?

I suppose it began as kind of a backlash against people who just hateHateHATED him-- with his crazy coat and insane antics. At first, I kind of had to agree, since most of his episodes were crap. Then, me and Dad watched "Vengeance on Varos," expecting it to be awful. We were pleasantly surprised to find it totally awesome, which showed me what a good Doctor Colin Baker COULD have been with better scripts! Then I started listening to the audio adventures, where he HAS better scripts and fell in love! I guess part of it stems from the fact that if _I_ was the Doctor, I'd probably be 6: Brash, egotistical, attention-seeking, a little ridiculous, and, at all times, feeling a bit superior to everything around him. Did I mention he can sing? The latest audio of his I listened to had him singing " I am the very model of a Gallifreyan Buccaneer" . . .

2.) Throughout our lives, you've had an obsession with keeping your hat & feet covered. Explain that to the fullest.

Hrm, a tough one. It COULD stem from the fact that, of all the pains you can inflict on me, hurting my feet or my eyes are the worst-- thus good shoes and hats (to shade from the sun). I'm also a creature of habit-- once I fall into one it is deucedly hard to break. And . . . I like hats!

3.) If you could have any job, what would that be?

Easy-- I'd get paid to tell people my opinion, at length. A critic is probably the closest REAL life job, but in the realm of fantasy I'd have someone follow me with a camera as I expound upon just about ANYTHING and let THEM edit it together while I take a nap. Ahhhhh bliss . . .

4.) Do you have any secret passions that even I know don't know of?

Do you know how much I like pickled eggs? ^_^

Seriously, lemme think-- well, it may not be THAT secret, but I DO watch just about EVERY video on "That Guy With the Glasses,"-- EVERY day . . . I can't just pick and choose like you guys do . . .

And, believe it or not, I don't have that many secrets-- I'm WAY too vocal and nerdy about the things I like!

5.) What is your opinion on living in Daville--is it all that bad?

You know what? Not really. Danville is a hicky little place with stink people galore, but the rent is cheap and people tend to leave me alone when I'm not at work-- so it's pretty sweet. I LOVE my apartment to pieces-- everything is so set up to my standards. The only thing I'd like is more space. ^_^

Iffin anyone else wants questions, just ask . . .


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