to clarify.

Mar 06, 2009 20:53

i am having nightmares i generally don't remember that are freaking me out.
i am not dying.
i am not seriously ill.
i am not having uncontrollable tremors at random times.

to explain the last one better:
when i'm doing really fine motor control stuff its been oddly harder to be steady my hands. so they kind of waver a little. nothing so dramatic as i friggin drop a pair of forceps or find write or crap like that. if you asked me to pick up a single grain of rice with chopsticks i could pbbly do it, just with a bit more effort than it would normally take me. silliness. i just attempted that, did it okay, i guess.

i mean, with the animal stuff, i'm usually mildly nervous already, so i guess this weirdness kind of exacerbated it. generally i get the feeling from sammy and val's comments i made my steadiness issue sound zounds more serious than i think it is. i reread what i wrote this morning and it sounds a bit more drama-ed up than how it sounds in my head. probably because i was still a little freaked from my nightmare when i wrote it. seriously, i think its due to some stress i can't really articulate or something. i'm going to see a doctor about it. i think i take pretty decent care of myself overall.

the end.
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