May 28, 2008 13:01
you know that silly old fun question, "what would your super power be?"
I think I would want Omnivision. not in the disneyland sense where they have those cool cameras for 360 degrees around, i mean:
The ability to see all the past, present and future possibilities of everything. to know about everything you see. to know about where it could be going. what was, what is, what could be. all the time.
ever see that classic (and still ongoing) british sci fi tv show, Doctor Who? well that's basically the Doctor's super power, along with a ridiculously large knowledge base of the universe, an interdimensional time machine, and a tool that can do pretty much everything. I've sort of been mildly addicted to it ever since I finished all the old episodes of "how i met your mother" on surfthechannel. good site, that. bad load times. decent quality tv online.