muah. ah. ahhhh.

Mar 27, 2008 09:18

the short version:
so you know how i'm always bitching about not having a laptop. and how i bum off EVERYONE and their second cousin?



can't you tell? i'm excited.

the long version:

so I come home, and tell my pop i'm thinking about eventually buying a laptop. he shoves a postcard from lenovo in my face: because we're ibm shareholders, we get 36%. yes. MORE THAN A THIRD off laptops this month in combination w/ the shareholder discount and some spring thing they're doing.

obviously, i must pounce on this. after hours of digging through their website, reviews, and nail-biting consideration, (i don't actually do that) I went and bought myself a thinkpad, t61 14.1" mother----shut yo mouth. whee magnesium casing protected hardware! i didn't shell out the extra 23 bucks for the fingerprint scanner though. no matter how awesomesocks it is, i don't actually NEED that level of security. its coming in the mail to my house in san jose in like a week or two.

i'm friggin ecstatic.

since i don't have QUITE enough to buy the damn thing myself, i struck a deal w/ my parents. they'll finally stop using the hunkajunk that i'm presently typing on, and will take my desktop we bought 4 yrs ago. so they get my old compy, they loan me the difference for buying the new lappy and everybody's got actual computers that will be useful for them.

lookit the beauty of the mothertrucking machine and suggest a name.


its pretty, i already know.

family, compy

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