Apr 17, 2002 23:26
April 17, 2002
Mom’s been picking on me all week.. I’ve been good.. I’ve done all she’s asked of me. Last Saturday she told me I had to make dinner because it was my responsibility to go to the play on time. I go to make dinner. She tells me its not what I should cook because I cant cook it quickly enough, even though I can. Frozen turkey takes say, 3 minutes to ½ defrost an then 15 to cook. But no, she wants me to make fish. I could just throw some green beans in the microwave, an I could have my 2nd favorite vegetable. NO she says, we had it the day before last! Fine. She wants me to make squash. She tells me she wants it skinned a certain way because she doesnt want me to cut myself. FINE. Next she says NOT to put water in with the squash to cook it when she specifically taught me too the LAST time I was cooking it. FINE. I do it that way and it takes twice the time it usually does to cook. A dinner that would have taken around 20-30 minutes took an entire 45 minutes, and mom made me about 20 minutes later than I wanted to be there. On Monday she tells me to clean my room, . I clean up it up, taking all the junk off the floor like she says. All ok? Right? NO. Tuesday she tells me its not clean, an I clean it up, she freakin yells at me again as I sit down to go play a nice relaxing hr and a half of BG2. So I go upstairs an clean up till I think she’ll be completely satisfied. I go down to take my hr and a half, she tells me to go up to sleep… ARGH. I just wanted to have my time w/ my comp generated figments an be merrily relaxed. NOooOOo. So I go to sleep like a freakin good boy.. Today what do I do when I get home, go an eat. I clean up the dishes, clean the sink, every thing just dandy except I forget a pot an a cup cover. Then she tells me to go upstairs an make sure my room is clean! I pick up but one thing that probably rolled to the ground in the hours I wasnt home. Next, I come down again, she says “what about the bathroom” I run upstairs stuff the stuff that had draped itself over the hamper’s sides. I go back, clean it up and finally I’m let alone for about 1.5 hrs(by her yet her freaking movie is blaring at me the whole damn time…..) but DAD comes along and wants to move his shit offa the comp an to his little laptop. OK... I try to figure it out, and he expects me to know how already.. he doesnt even take the suggestion to do It in a more efficient way. So I start to tell him how an he runs off. MEANWHILE.. mom stands on the side blabbing about “go look in the readme. Go look in the readme how.” THERE ARE FREAKING README”S FOR EVERY GODDAMN PROGRAM WOMAN! When I find the 1 for the CD writer, IT DOESNT EVEN SAY! Oiy. *sigh. So dad storms off. I spend a hr and a half to put to gether a list of instructions for him.. and I start playin again.. and she says “WHY ARE YOU USING THE PHONE!! YOU”RE NOT SUPPOSED TO USE THE PHONE ALL NIGHT!!!” I wasnt. And dad uses the phone all day and much more than I at night. By now, I try to close the shit up and it crashes ‘cause I was mid dl of server info for infantry.. an I’m forced to reboot the computer. Oh yea.. I lost my mood ring in second period today.. I was too angry about mom being so bitchy at me the other day.. especially when I, for once, speak what I feel. I say she was giving me crap, which she was, an she explodes at me. Cynical ol’ lady that one. So the comp crashes I reboot an then go play a phenomenally good round of UT.. I wasnt even done w/ 1 round. Well I had around 103 kills when I checked.. an she says “its past nine oclock, go to bed”. I comply, w/ less than acceptable protest an go take a shower. Little do I know, but I took an hour shower. An am quite hungry, want to know why she’s been picking on me and have an itch behind my right knee.
I go down, fill a bottle of water an eat me ½ a raisin oatmeal cookie an she says to me.. “SEE YOUR NOT EVEN SLEEPING.. GO TO SLEEP” I ask why I’m bein picked on I get THE most BS excuse ever “There’s noone left to teach, and you havent learned”. As far as I know, no as far as I’m TOLD (by my junior soon to be senior buddies)… I’m the most responsible and obsessively impulsive person I know. An she says I havent learned. HELL, I’m more responsible than that older brother of mine, tho I am not as old and I’m comparing relative to age. I should start driving soon so I could go off and drive down to Burger king on the corner and have a burger late at night to get away from my psychotic parents. What am I? That was my question before. And my answer: I am the victim. Occasionally a member of the group as an equal, other times just the victim of their outbursts of repressed anger and their empathic stress ball. I’m “nice” as they say, but I know I can be a jerk like that *snap* and an ass. I hafta work on ben less of one. Now I need to get outa the victim cycle. Tommoro I have all my relig current events due along w/ my chapter 10 test also a musical performance. Yay. At the beginning of last week I asked God, well I give the name of the omnipotent being who probably is the puppetteer of the multiverse… blah blah blah.. I asked him to inspire me to go on. I dont think he heard. Not at all. Nope nope nope. I still could use that inspiration anytime soon… especially when I’m suffering academically and have 6 weeks in the semester left. Well, its 20 minutes since I’ve started this and now I feel I should end it. Unitl next time gnite, and if I dont see you, good morning good evening and good day.
people rants