The past 24 hour's tweets
- 18:31 @ mondica Hey, guess what. I totally less than three you!!! #
- 19:38 @ imdevine I've never heard a black dude say a steak is overcooked. I didn't think it was possible. #
- 20:30 Pepsi Throwback is good as hell, it was like being a kid again #
- 20:43 My weather station just came from FedEx *squeeeeeeeeee*
Weather Nerds Unite! I am going to forecast the shit out of the weather! # - 21:18 - When keepin it real goes right #
- 23:00 @ legs21 I am going to forecast all kinds of crazy stuff! #
- 11:18 Happiness is a box arriving at your house from #
- 15:56 Swine Flu be damned...CINCO DE MAYO WILL GO ON! We'll freak out more after May 5th.
Del Rio TX, slowly killing LOL at a time. #
Twitted all in your grill by
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