Aug 28, 2007 19:11
"Love isn't an emotion, Love is a commitment."
-Dr. Molsbee
Can you believe my biology professor told me that? I nearly cried sitting in class today after he said that. It just seemed so perfect about what I'm going through. The past few days have gone pretty smoothly and even today was a good day with him but I've just had the urge to cry ever since my professor said that. Sitting in class the other day I was thinking about they way things were going, I'm not sure if we're better or if we just don't talk about what's wrong. I got the thought in my head that he was going to break up with me this weekend when he came home. It might happen, but I really hope it doesn't. I really can't take the stress of this, I haven't been eating or sleeping, I'm having headaches, my body is doing all sorts of crazy ass things, my hair is falling out, it's terrible. I love him so so much. I just wish he could see and understand that. What do I do?