So we're expecting a visit this weekend from
blackprowess and
rageofthenorth to help celebrate my dad's birthday. No presents though. Just a card. And free supper. hehe
But I can't help but think that
homie_c should come down too. You can find your role-playing books and I can see all my peep's who i haven't seen since Christmas...
come on... you know you wanna...
So in other news, I start school on March 12th. I'm scared more than anything. Not about the work, about the people in the class. I've seen the girls that take medical office assistance and I'm not the kind of person to get along with them. We're talking the skinny ditzy type. I was fine in the IT class because I get along just great with guys. They don't judge and they can have a conversation about things that interest me. Like video games or something... I hate girls. They suck. They dont talk about anything interesting....
Anyway.. i have to go in tomorrow to sign the papers for my student loans.. fun fun..
i guess that's it for now...
I have laundry to get to and it's not getting done with me sitting on my butt