Mar 05, 2006 17:03
POSTED ON:MARCH 5TH 2006 AT 5:03 p.m.
Hey everyone!
Well I was just gonna fill you all in on the past few days
Saturday- Got up and ate something then cleaned a little bit , then I took a nap for like 3 hours then I got up and took a shower.. Afterthat my mom came home made some supper then we went to Wal-mart and then to Payless ..Andthen we came home and as soon as we got home Matthew called Robert bc he had called while we were gone and Robert wanted Matt to go play some basketball with him at the college in Wise and I asked could I go so we left again and my mom took me and Matt to our dads house then me and my dad got into it bc he was mad bc his ex girlfriend wouldnt go out to dinner with him that night so pssh on him... After wards we called Robert and Robert came over and got me and Matt then we went to Wise but the college was packed with ppl so we just went over to Dwaynes house when we got there Dwayne , Alainea, and two of there friends were there.. I myself had a pretty good time just getting to visit Alainea and talk for a while made my day!.. We left there about 10:00 and got back to my dads house at 10:30 or so... So Matt Robert and Dennis were playing on the computer I layed down and fell asleep then my momma showed up about 1:00 A.M and we left came home and let me tell you all I had tha freakin munchies lol so I ate something then went to bed lol...
Today- Got up like freakin early this morning and ate something then cleaned AGAIN lol... Then my daddy came over and dropped off his laundry of course for me to do lol... I fell asleep about 3:00 and got a phone call from my mom and I just woke up at like 5 lol... I talked to A VERY SPEACIAL GUY on the phone bc he was at my mommas work when she called me so im happy now ya'll lol...
Well I guess im going to go now
Love Melissa