
Sep 04, 2006 20:19

i feel naucous. maybe it's the stress, maybe it's my not so great eating habits of the day, or maybe i'm getting sick. i have to get a TB shot tomorrow- that should be tons of fun.  i also have to run a million errands- including going to norfeldt to pick up a form from amber (and hopefully nancy) and a letter from stacy.  I have an interview with Newington on Wednesday morning, and lasses begin Wednesday nite, so i guess it's a good thing the FB show in Boston was cancelled so i can go to my classes- I do suck at math so i really should go to the first class. the two buildings I have are like a million miles away from each other and the seond one is even farther from any of the parking garages, that and i only have 5 minutes between each class, but the first class is with Roy and he almost always lets us out early, and if my 2nd class teacher is a bitch and gets mad at me for being late, then either she can kiss my crippled ass and deal with it- or I can leave Roy's class a couple minutes early if need be cause he's flexible but i think i've only been in his class strait to the end a handful of times in the 2 sememsters I've had him.  Looking forward to having him again- although I never sent him my graph for my portfolio- eh he probably forgot... i hope.... I can always use the "lost in the mail" excuse if I need to- starting the semester out right I see... meh...  anywho, i have a couple of essays to write for my admission to the professional program, that is assuming I have even a spark of a chance of getting in without letters if Amber and Nancy don't get them to me on time- I still haven't heard from Nancy, maybe Rick will write one for me- I spent alot of time in the 4th grade classroom working with all the kids, not just my monsters.
oh SARAH- little Norfeldt update you might enjoy- Dorie is back, Dana is saying more words, Amber has been in a good mood, and Sue has my Mathew, Clair and Kyle. Sharon is also in Amber's room working in 4th grade but Stace isn't sure with whom.  I talked to her today and she gave me a brief update :)
I do miss Norfeldt like crazy but it will be good to have this change. I need more classroom management skill and there is no way I'd get it working under Amber, so this is a good thing.  I actually think Rick gave me more freedom with his 24 kids than Amber gave me with my 3 some days.... but I learned a lot and I respect Amber as a person and a teacher and I'm glad I had the variation between her and Nancy to learn....ooh- that sounds like a good start to my essay for school!
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