Icons chosen by Slybrunnette

Oct 18, 2007 18:01

Ok here goes me trying to work out how to do this haha

Love this icon it is sayid for me and one of the only internet text speakes that i understand

I uploaded this picture after we lost charlie it's such a great intense photo and i love close up's like this.

Such a cute hurley pic i went looking for a sawyer/kate icon and found this it gives me warm fuzzy feelings!!

My best sarky icon just love it and i love juliet i tend to find new characters hard to get into but from the start i loved Jules. This is a mysticxf icon whose icons i love but struggle to find ones i like her being a jater and me being a skater.  And this icon it's just so true look tough, bluff it and hope like hell they don't kick your ass off the beach!

My romantic icon love the look on sayid's face and how shannon hasn't noticed, this is sayid in pwnage mode!

Ahh happy Skate love this scene from the show and love them as a couple but i don't like snogging or sex icons (the english prude in me) so i really like this one and love the colouring my feel good icon.

And last but not least Evie who i adore but should never be allowed any where near a car, it's not a good thing that you only have hit one pedestrian you've still hit one and the whole passing cause she was cute soo wrong. Love watching her on ellen tho even if she makes me shake my head in wonder and be thankful that i'm not any where near a hawaiian road.

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