(no subject)

Apr 26, 2005 23:04



Hair color?: umm i guess i like brown but i also like that jesse mccartney hair lol
Eye color?: i love light eyes
Height?: umm around 5'9
Six pack?: i dunt care
Long hair or short?: i love guys wit the long hair but it depends on how it looks on the guy i also like short hair on sum guyzz
Glasses?: sumtimes guys look hot with glasses....lol
Eyebrows?: as long as its 2 and nOt 1 lol

Big butt or little?: BIG BASEBALL PLAYER BUT!!!!
Chest hair?: eww no groosSSS!!
Buff or skinny?: in the middle (:
Teeth?: aS loNg aS his smilE is cUte itS oK nd nO bad breAthe lol

Section 2
Funny or serious?:i lOve fUnnY guYs oMg thaTs suCh a plUss ++++++ loL!!!!!!!!
Party-hopper or more stay-at-home?:a liL bit Of botH
Should he be able to bake or cook?: i wOuldnt miNd
Does he have a best friend?: yeAA loL
Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends?: yea as long as they arent more than that
Out-going or shy?: out goiNg liKe mE!
Does he love his mother?: yeaa but not a mommas boy tho..
Should he watch chick-flicks?: yeaa cuz ill watch sports with him 2 !!
Would he be a smoker?: nOooooo bad breathe yukk
How about a drinking?: sUmtiMes
And swearing?: hu dOesnt...
Would he play with your hair?: yeSs!! (:
Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time?: NOOO WTF IS THIS QUESTION!
Would he pay for you when you're on a date?: yeaAAaaa!!
Does he kiss you on the first date?: depends on the momennt
Where would you go for dinner?: someowere we both would be comfortable
Would he buy you flowers?: i love flowers..if he wants to ;)
Would he lay under the stars with you?: yeA **
Would he write poetry about you?: ook i would like a romeo lol
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends?: yeaaa but sumtimes we would need alone time

Section 3
Would he play soccer?: nopee yukk
Baseball?: YeA BIG BUTT!!

Football?: OF cource everyguys should
Basketball?: MY FAVORITE DUH!! we could plaY tOgethER
Water polo?: umm speedOs yeA
Would he surf?: i wouLdnt miNd saVE a bOard ride a surFur
Skateboard?: noPe

Snowboard?: we liVe in miaMi
Would he be able to sing?: umm i doNt miNd
Play the guitar?: i wouldNt caRe
Play piano?:uM oK
Play the drums?: i guess
Would he keep his room clean?: i dont care mOst guys r messy tho
Would he write his own music?: iw.e he wants

Section 4
Would he watch the sun rise and set with you?: yeAa i gueSs
What kind of car would he drive?: uM w.e as long as it has air cOnditiOning and it  doesNt smell
How old would you like him to be?: nOt yOungeR thAn me mAybe 16 or 17
What's his name?: uM doeSnt maTteR

i lOve sOmeOne............................................................
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