erin's Amazing Mental Ability ...
You can move any object made of tinfoil through sheer will alone!
(Remember ... with great power comes great responsibility!)
'What is your Amazing Mental Ability?' at thats a fantastic quiz. im a fan.
today i got an A in english! sorry, im telling everyone. i never get A's in english! im super pround and a little shocked, but thats enough about THAT.
i have fish crubs all down my jumper, and my mouth tastes like bubbly chilli. quite nice.
i like giant clams. my ultimate death goal is to be reincarnated as a giant clam.
i <3 skifree. i just downloaded it. its totallly the best game EVA. apaz if you jump over the dogs while holding down s they catch on fire but it isnt working. if you run over them they pee. and if you go over the stumps bckwards they turn into mushrooms, thats pretty cool. but i want to see a flaming dog!
so the point of the story is, im going to bed/away.