Here's the Review of the sixth episode of True Blood from the
lil_miss_coolio rewatch party XD
- poor Sookie =(
- Sam & Sookie...again so cute.
- Sam & Bill was tense.
- And Bill again is supposed to be the murderer...
- Damn, if I would have to clean all the blood from my grandma...I don't know if I'd be able to do that.
- I loved Tara & Lafayette taking care of Sookie.
- Wow when Jason came inside Sookies room and slapped her...I was like WTF Jason??? Loved Tara standing up for Sookie.
- lol Maxine Fortenberry XD
- Bill having that dream and runs to Sookie. So cute <3
- lol and Sam the dog next to Bill?
- nawwwww Terry =( *hugs him tight*
- Uncle Bartlett is kinda creepy if you ask me but maybe that's just me XD
- I liked Sookies speech at the funeral. Stupid people's thoughts all the time.
"All of you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
yes Sookie, I'm with you on that one
- lmao, Lafayette's reaction when Tara's mom went up to have a speech herself XD
"Oh my fucking God, girl, this is about to get ugly"
Best line from the Epi XD
- Does Jason always have to be on V? He's so fucked up right now.
- Poor Sookie being alone in that big house, eating that cake and crying. I miss grams already =(
- Wow, Bill has such blue eyes. I never really noticed that.
- Jason banging that girl and crying. Seriously. I don't know if he's crying because of grams or because his life is so fucked up right now because he's addicted to V...but either way...he should stop taking V. It's not doing any good to him if you ask me.
- I like the close ups they do with the camera on certain things. Like when Sookie was eating that cake or when Bill was biting her in the end.
- There was not enough Hoyt in this episode!!!
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Hoyt Screencaps Previous Reviews:
1x01 |
1x02 |
1x03 |
1x04 |
1x05 | 1x06