blehhh i'm not the happiest with the outcome.
i wouldn't have been jumping for joy if mccain won but i think it woulda been better.
i'm scared for the country and whats gonna happen now. CLINTON got us in this economic crisis and no one realizes it cuz bush was in office when it started to hit, if it werent for him signing the bill on the banks being more leniant on loans the banks wouldnt be going under and the economy would be a bit better. but w/e. nothing we can do now. i highly doubt we'll see any change not only cuz i dont believe everything obama has to say but simply cuz not even god can change whats been coming at us for the past 16 years so quick. plus what happened to the system of checks and balances? theres no balance in the US government anymore and that worries me so much "/
i'm scared a lot due to the fact that i heard a black man call 99.1 yesterday and say "i not only called in sick to work, i gave my two weeks notice, because now obama will take care of me" this mentality wont help at all, and that's all i hear from so many people. its sad that our country has come down to whites voting for mccain and blacks voting for obama. there were so many people on TV nov 4 saying "i have never voted in my forty-something years of life and i voted for the first time today because a black man is running" or "i have never voted in my thirty something years of life but i will not let a black man win"
regardless the US as we know it is going to shit. my brother, an obama supporter, said it himself "i hope obama wins but i'm sure he'll either get assassinated or we'll have another major terrorist attack" this scares me because i dont think out country can handle that in the state we're in. anyone else in guerra's class/classes notice the symbolism in obama & his family's color choice in apparel (since she drilled it into our heads)? after being compared to the communist leaders around the world u think he'd avoid wearing red and black, yet thats exactly what he wore, as well as his wife and daughters, when he accepted the presidency. NOT BASHING HIM OR SAYING HE'S COMMUNIST just saying i thought he'd have avoided
BTW raul martinez? convicted felon? running for office? lol i dnt know much about those elections but is that what we're coming to?
lets hope for the best regardless.