Dec 16, 2003 15:43
i cannot wait until christmas break! FOR SURE. Christmas is going to be so awsome. i love christmas.<333 its the best. No school, PRESENTS, friends, family, EVERYTHING. Christmas tree, decorations, JUST EVERYthInG about it. my dad's saying that we might go to disney land. its been SOOO long since i've gone. it would be so awsome if i could bring a friend! That would be so freakin BAD!
Today was pretty boring. but i actually had a really good day. i decided.. that i'm not going to let other ppl drag me down ne more. I mean just because someone is sad.. doesnt mean i HAVE to be too. I need to watch myself too.. because i noticed that when i'm in a bad mood, i make EVERYONE in a bad mood. ugh. So my new thing is.. SMILE CUZ I DONT GIVVA SHIT. i think i take some things ppl say too personally ne ways.
But yes anyways.
oh man.. i just saw previews for the new peter pan movie! i CANNOT wait until it comes out. Me and linda decided that we are going to go see it. <3! yay. DoooOOode.. we actually talk now. I guess my mom was saying that i told her stuff and whatnot ((which id idnt)) just so she could say that she has evidence and stuff. GAYYY. i feel bad.. actually a few times she packed all her stuff and was ready to leave. that would suck ass. I think my parents seriously cant wait till we get old and move out so they dont have to worRie about us n e mroe. That's why i say.. dont have more than freakin 2 kids if ur going to complain!!!! when like they yell at me and stuff and are like just be glad we let u live here.. i'm like its not like i asked U TO BirtH me. because TRUST me.. if i had a choice.. ummm NO.
Oh well they are getting better. kINd Of.
i seriously cant wait till imove out tho. its going to be AwSoME!
But yes.
Today i dont hafta work! yesSs! the only thing that sucks is.. my next check is going to suck! oh well tho. i'm getting tired of working. waaah. but its liek ALL i do! ahh!
i'm going to GO!
<3 all of you! muah! OXoOXoxooXOX