Dec 21, 2004 17:47
hoophunni527: i lost the paper i photocopied my math hw onto
hoophunni527: im in deep shit
undicibaci789: wow cassie
undicibaci789: go in early
hoophunni527: im screwed over
undicibaci789: not reallt
undicibaci789: y*
hoophunni527: yea
hoophunni527: im not smart enough to do it in the morning
undicibaci789: ill do it with you
hoophunni527: i lied
hoophunni527: i found it:-D
hoophunni527: thank god
undicibaci789: wow
hoophunni527: it was buried under all my shit
undicibaci789: surprise surprise
hoophunni527: :-)
undicibaci789: ur my genious
hoophunni527: i try
undicibaci789: i kno, too hard
undicibaci789: jk
hoophunni527: :-P
undicibaci789: wow maybe i should do hw 2night, wht do u think?/
hoophunni527: i think thats a good idea
undicibaci789: aww man
hoophunni527: lol
undicibaci789: do i have 2?
hoophunni527: yes
undicibaci789: why?
hoophunni527: cuz
undicibaci789: cuz why?
hoophunni527: i said so
undicibaci789: but i dont wanna
hoophunni527: so dont then
undicibaci789: but u said i had to
hoophunni527: i changed my mind
undicibaci789: u cant do that
hoophunni527: tough
undicibaci789: tough what?
hoophunni527: tough i changed my mind neway
undicibaci789: why didnt u start out with that mind anyway?
hoophunni527: cuz
hoophunni527: thats 2 easy
undicibaci789: so?
hoophunni527: so i like easy
undicibaci789: but not 2 easy?
hoophunni527: depends
undicibaci789: on?
hoophunni527: the situation
undicibaci789: such as?
hoophunni527: idk
undicibaci789: why not?
hoophunni527: im stupid
undicibaci789: since when?
hoophunni527: 10 min. ago
undicibaci789: o ok
undicibaci789: hey did u hear cassie r. is pregnant?
hoophunni527: lol
hoophunni527: no way!
hoophunni527: whos the father?
undicibaci789: ya
undicibaci789: um i m not sure but i heard james lafferty
hoophunni527: sick!!!!!!
undicibaci789: ya, she didnt een know that he was in love with her until like yesturday and then he got her pregnant
undicibaci789: they are getting married
hoophunni527: thats amazing
undicibaci789: i kno
undicibaci789: wouldnt you kill to be her?
hoophunni527: yea
undicibaci789: but the whole pregnancy thing could be cool, eating what ever you want and not having to worry about it
hoophunni527: exactly
undicibaci789: well that is what i do now anyways
hoophunni527: me 2
hoophunni527: its amazing
undicibaci789: ya
undicibaci789: only thing better would be watching disney movies forever in someone's bedroom with stuffed animals and american girl dolls
hoophunni527: very true
hoophunni527: w/ hott austrailian guys:-*
undicibaci789: oo, where can you buy those?
hoophunni527: idk
hoophunni527: but lets find out soon
undicibaci789: ebay?
hoophunni527: try it
hoophunni527: lol
undicibaci789: maybe later
hoophunni527: lol
hoophunni527: ill pay u to look up hott australian guys on ebay
undicibaci789: really?
hoophunni527: well no cuz i have no money
undicibaci789: wait do spanish guys work for you? or do u prefer french canadians?
hoophunni527: but i would
hoophunni527: spanish
undicibaci789: fav nationality other than australian
undicibaci789: english? there is always kev... :-D
hoophunni527: o yes
undicibaci789: and we can call nacho 2 and vinnie and who else.... matt, nick, ben ( all british)
hoophunni527: lol
hoophunni527: whos nacho 2
undicibaci789: i mean like nacho too, he is spanish
undicibaci789: ;-)
hoophunni527: o
hoophunni527: cool name
undicibaci789: that is his actual name 2
hoophunni527: wiw'*wow
hoophunni527: *wow
hoophunni527: im having trouble typing
undicibaci789: we can invite this kid i know marco, he is italian
undicibaci789: i know how i only knwo a few words in italian and one of them is kiss
undicibaci789: O:-)
hoophunni527: sick
wow conversations with cassie.. cant get much better can they?
wow, no emliy for me 2day, how sad... i think ill go call to marco....