wooo... stilll here

Jun 14, 2005 21:49

well my bday is fri 24th.. il be the big 21.. but im already.. big (a nice way of saying fat) and mentally id say im like... 35.. or older :/
I'm pretty frightended... I dont know whats in store.. im thinking i could just pack up and go.. but im too worried financially.
I miss my dad i want to go home and live with him and be taken care of. I dont like looking after myself and going to sleep at night without the chatter of and whoever else.
I just miss being a kid, im watching that greenday song.. the clip is good i spose.. interesting.. but doesnt seem like much of a song.
sorry the minds wondering there.
yeh.. umm.. oh.
well its funny theres so much going on in my head and im all lost for words.
I could make a huge list of the things im worried about right now.. not that it would help.. im not sure il make it anymore.. theres days where i just give up.. and its fucking horrible.. or days where i just lay there and burst into tears.. not about one thing.. about everything cos i cant vent. i spose they dont last long tho.. just a bit of release.
I'm worried about being alone i spose.
im lost

that is all
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