yuppies wear thongs.. with heels. LOSERS!

Nov 15, 2003 18:04

well let me tell u about my night. imagine the shittest night of ur life and times it by a million. ok maybe im exaggerating but it was pretty crap. i had to hang with northern beaches ppl not that any of them spoke to me really. afterall whod want to be seen with some westy like myself :o god forbid! so yeh i counted down the 4 and a half hours i was stuck at this shit party and just insulted all of those dumbfucks. anyways i would have much preffered a bullet in the head. thats all there is really to say about that shit party. i wish i didnt bring any stuff with me then i coulda gone home.. meh well its over now and im proud to say i survived the night. :)
im heaps sunburnt. beach was nice thismorning. sun wasnt :(
anyways thats about it for tonight im going to grocery shopping cos its hot and the supermarket has food and is airconditioned :)
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