Feb 18, 2004 19:17
I GOT THE JOBBBBBB! YUSSS! IM SO MUCHO GRANDE EXCITED!! IM A WAITRESS AT STEAK AND SHAKE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!I START MARCH 1ST AT 4PM. AND I EVEN CALLED MS. GIZZLE (RACH'S MOMMA) AND TOLD HER SINCE RACH WAS GROUNDED!! YESSS!!! I love that family. lol and krissy's fam too! her mom was like i aint tippin her! lmao. i love my friend's family. even monica's family which i saw when i was out driving..oh well =0(* <3 OKAY YESS BACK TO HAPPY MODE!! OKAY BYYYE! =0) =0) =0) =0) =0)=0) =0) =0) =0) =0)
SHOUTOUT TO>> stego,hipsy,triceratops, and well... i'm compy/ t rexy or t sexy heheh key!