Feb 25, 2006 14:37
Dominican = best time of my life
I highly recommend to anyone reading this to go away next spring break anywhere. I could sit here and say how amazing it was but it is hard to sum up the amazement in words. Because not only are you drinking every day and night, meeting new fun people left right and centre, being on a beach, by a pool basking in the sun just loving every moment, but there is no time to think about anything, and that is the best part. You dont have to bring your cell phone or wallet etc when you go out, you bring ur room key and no worries. There is no drama, no one cares, nobody knows you, everyone is there for one reason, to have a good time. I came back and went to a party last night, and I almost couldn't stand it, i didnt even want to hear "the new gossip" i didnt want to be around these people. I sat there and thought, i want to be in dominican right now, i thought i would come back and be happy to see people, which i was but at the same point i questioned myself as to why i was friends with them. But basically i think going away ona trip is an experience everyone should have and i think its important to go away at this age because your perspective on the place will be a lot different.
i could type for hours but i will spare your boredom
peeeace 0out gangstas