Apr 04, 2005 18:20
you have to be the luckeiest girl inthe world! im so glad you decided to go in and i had help with it! and its not even a bad thing its either a hit or miss! gosh you make me want a guy... oh wait i do but hmm he calls everyone else except me! YIPPEEE! this is driving me nuts and im glad its just mature drama now! thats a good summary of it all.
im so lost right now it boggles my mind! i dont know anyone anymore and i dont tihnk people know me! i dont talk to anyone and i cant trust really anyone either! i have so muhc bottled inside i dont know where to store it anymore!
being the middle girl again is a little weird... havent done that in a long time! its good people are trusting me again! im happy about that! i can be trusted ive learned to just let it pass me and never talk about it again! im so proud of myself!
today started out a good day! i ate breakfast wore my hair partly down ugly but down! i flew kites with my buddy kita and everyone else today for an hour took pictures with friends... ms masson wasnt even at school today! i like yearbook now no one really botheres me anymore! and i had subway! and again i will have it tomorrow!
yes it is true... i like yearbook just minus ms masson and im sure your going to go back and tell her you always do but idont care how many days? 2O FREAKING 9! 29 2929292929! YESS! i promise all my pages will be done so i never have to come back to this gosh forsaken hell hole they call a good school!
and thats how it started being a bad day.
played softball. won. good day! all i know is i missed a damn good bus ride! ha!
heres to life!