#11 "Victum of Passion" part 2

Jan 15, 2011 02:21

Stacy is schedualed to arrive at the studio by 6am so she always makes sure to arrive at least 15 minutes early. The only people there that early are her hair and make up crew and everyone els begins to arrive at 7am. When she arrives to work, she goes straight into her dressing room to get ready for the day. She shuts the door behind her and she sets her things on her vanity. Then she hears the sound of her dressing room door being locked. She turns around quickly and gasps when she sees Nick standing there in her dressing room.
"Nick!? What the hell! You scared me!" She said upset
"Awww I'm sorry Stace"
"Why are you even in here? Get out!"
Nick laughes.
"What's so funny" she asked annoyed.
"You're so adorable when you're upset" he said
"Oh my god Nick...just get out please"
"You can't get rid of me that easy" he laughed.
"What is your problem?!"
"Your are my problem Stacy...you!" He snapped.
Stacy looked at him with confusion
"The woman I'm head over hels for doesn't want me"
"You have got to be kidding me" she said in disbelief.
"I am going to be blunt here and cut to the chase. Neither of us are leaving this room untill I get what I want" he said as he began to approach her.
Stacy just looked at him with a preturbed look on her face as she stepped away.
"I know that you know exactly what I want" he said and continued stepping toward her until he finally cornered her. "You're acting fuckin rediculous" she said as she pushed him away and began to walk towards the dressing room door
Nick quickly pulled a gun out of his back pocket, pointed it at her, and cocked the gun. Stacy heard it and stopped in her tracks.
"I don't think you wanna find out what will happen of you walk out that door Stacy"
Stacy turned around slowly and nearly choked on her breath when she saw the gun.
"Nick...what has gotten into you?" She asked with fear.
"Get back over here...now Stacy!" He demanded.
Stacy listened and walked back to the otherside.
"Now sit down!"
She did so. Nick then got a chair and placed it in front of the door. He sat in it blocking the door with the gun still in his hand. Stacy did her best to try and stay calm but her body was shaking in fear.

"Why are you doing this Nick?"
"You know Stacy, I consider myself different from most guys...I'm not a creeper and I treat women with respect. Especially beautifully attractive women such as yourself. So tell me...have I ever been rude to you?"
Stacy did say anything.
"Answer me Stacy..."
She still didn't say anything. "Answer me damnit!" He demanded and piont the gun at her again.
"No...no you haven't"
"Ok, have I ever didrespected you in anyway"
"Have I ever made you feel as if I only wanted you for sex"
He stood up and approached her.
"So...knowing that, I'm over all a good guy...right Stacy"
He bent down in front of her.
"Don't good guys desverve a chance Stacy"
"Then what the problem Stacy?"
She stayed silent.
"Huh?! What is it?!"
She still didn't answer him.
"Answer me!" She demanded and shook her.
Stacy became upset.
"Because I do not like you"
Nick became furious. He stood up and slammed his fist on the table. From the outside, Stacys hair stylisy, john, heard the noise. He went over to knock on the door to make sure she was ok.
"Stacy are you alright?"
"You better not say I'm in here... Tell him everything is ok"
"Yes...I'm fine" she called out to him.
"Ok we need to start getting you ready here in about 15 minutes.
"Ok I'm almost done"
He left.
"Eventually they are going to figure out something is wrong Nick"
"Like that's going to stop me" he laughed.
7am came around and Clinton arrived to the studio. John hurried over to him with worry.
"Clinton! I think there is something wrong with Stacy"
"What going on?"
"She is locked in her dressing room and she won't answer me"
"They both hurried to her dressing room and clinton began knocking frantically
"Stacy! What's going on? Are you ok?"
No responce.
"How long has she not been answering you?"
"I don't know maybe 5 or 10 mintutes"

Stace became fed up and decided to call for help anyway.
"Help Nick has me trapped!" She yelled quickly.
They then heard Stacy scream.
"Stacy!" He called and banged on the door frantically.
"Nick what the hell is going on here!"Clinton yelled.
Nick had pushed her to the ground and pointed the gun at her.
"Tell them everything will be ok as long as you do as I say" Nick said to her.
She obeyed.
"He said everything will be fine if I do everything he says"
"Nick this is rediculous. Let her out or els we will call the police!" John yelled.
"I will shoot you if they do"
"Please don't! He said he will shoot me if you do!"
"Shoot you?!...he has a gun!" Clinton freaked.
Stacy started to cry.
"Do not cry!...now get you...now!"
She did so as he still pointed the gun at her.
"Could you please stop pointing that at me?"
"Shut up!...Now take off your clothes"
"What?! No!"
"Do it now Stacy!"
They over heard everything from outside.
"Stacy what is he doing to you?!" Clinton asked with worry.
"Shut up out there or ill shoot!"
"Nick!You better not hurt her!"
Nick then got the gun, pointed it at the cieling and shot the gun. Stacy screamed!
"Stacy!" They both yelled.
"You think I'm kidding!?...now shut up!"
"Please tell us Stacy is ok"
"She's fine...another word from any of you next time it will be Stacy!" Nick yelled.
They stayed quiet.
"Oh my got...what do we do?" John asked.
"We will figure something out, but for now we need to do everything we can to keep Stacy safe" Clinton said
He paced back and forth trying to figure out what to do. So many things kept running through his head " oh god please...please don't let anything happen to her...I can't call the police cuz he threatned to shoot her and I can't say anything! I don't know if he is serious or not...oh god what do it do what do I do"

"Take them off" Nick demanded. "Nick please don't make me do this" she begged.
"You should have thought about that before you rejected me!...now do it!"
Stacy hesitated at first untill he cocked the gun once more as he had it pointed at her. She began to cry and she began to slowly take of her clothes. She first began by taking off her shoes.
"No no...leave those on...I love the way they make your legs look"
Stacy listened and moved on to her skirt. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and continued to cry as she began to unbutton her blouse. When she undid the last button and slowley opened up her blouse and took it off.
"Mmmmgood girl...now come here" he said as he looked her up and down.
Stacy walked over to him slowly and as soon as she was in reach, he pulled her to him and pressed her body up against his.
"Mmm yes. I've been dying to get my hand on this beautiful body of yours" he said as he ran his hand all over her body.
"You turn me on so badly" he said into her ear.

(Back to Clinton and John)

Clinton became fed up he decied that he was going to call the police. He stepped aside and called. He advised them of the situation and asked them to please come quietly and unknown so Nick would have any idea. As he was talking to the police...

Nick slowly ran his hands up her back and he tried to undo her bra strap.
"No! Stop!...what are you doing?!" Stacy yelled and pushed him away.
Nick grabbed her by the arm and pressed the gun against her chest and began to lead her backwards to the couch. Stacy still continued to cry in fear.
"Nick please...don't do this she begged.
Nick pushed her down on the couch and laid her down. He had the gun pointed at her wit one hand and began to unzip his pants with e other.
"Please don't" she cried.
When his pants dropped to the fllor he then forced himself ontop of her.
"Stop it please!"
"Shut up!" She shoued and began to force off her underwear. Stacy became hysterical.
"No!...please!...stop it!"
Nick wouldn't listen
"Get of me!"
As Clinton was still on the phone with the police John heard everything that was going on. John heard her screaming
"Stacy!" He he yelled with worry.
"Shut up out there or ill shoot her!" Nick yelled back.
He didn't say anything els and began to pace back and forth frantically
"Oh my god oh my god... He's gonna rape her"
Clinton come back from talking to the police and he hears Stacy screaming.
"Stacy!" She shouted as
He trys runing to the dressing room but john stopped him
"Clinton no! Sshh...you can't or els he will shoot her!"
"What is he doing to her!"
Clinton became hysterical and tried to get to the dressing room again but john held him back
"No don't! We can't risk him shooting her!"

By the time the policed arrived, it was too late. Nick had already raped her...

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