Happy Wednesday! lmao yeah right.

Jan 12, 2005 10:54

Hi peoples!

Whew, alot has happened in the past few days. Well, my History porfessor has decided to let me retake the test!!! Yay!! I am sooo glad. It turns ou that I did miss the test after all, which sucks. I cant believe I did it, but I must have. Oh well. All that I care about is that I can retake it.

I am the only girl my age in my AutoBody class. There are two older ladies in there though. There are alot of old people in there!! It's prolly because it's a night class but I dunno. There are a few guys my age in there. It should be an interesting class. I am so stoked for it though! I can't wait to get painting things! Granted we are only going to be painting a piece of sheet metal and a bumper but still!! He said at the end of the semester we will have about 3-4 weeks left and we can bring in our own little project to work on, like if we have a door panel or something and he approves it we can take it in and work on it. If we dont then we can work on customizing our projects from earlier in the semester. Which is what I think that I am going to do. HEHEHEH YAY! lol sorry Im a nerd.

My classes are ok. I like my Psych class! I was always really interested in that kind of thing. I think I am going to do good in the class. We will see. But my professor likes to swear and talk about sex. She has a Sex Psychology class before and after mine, so she said that her brain tends to just be stuck in that mode. I think its funny as hell. She also likes to say "shit". She was trying to explain something to us, and she wanted to use the example "Shit Happens." But first she asked if we were all over 18 then proceeded to use the word "shit" in every sentence as much as possible. She was like...
  •  "Shit doesnt just happen. If you are talking on your cell phone, driving, eating and doing other things, and you accidently rear-end someone...shit didnt just happen. Yeah its a shitty thing, but it didnt just happen. Now you did contribute to the shit happening, but if  "shit were to just happen" then you wouldnt have had any part in it. Now the guy you hit, shit just happened to him, but shit didnt just happen to you, you made shit happen."

It was the greatest thing ever. She is really nice too. So I am excited about this class.

However, my Econ class, thats going to be a bitch! I'm not great at that kind of thing to start off with. But toss in there a little indian dude, who has an awful accent which I cannot understand at all and I am royally screwed!!! I sat there the entire time just looking at him, thinking "Is this dude for REAL??" He would mumble through entire sentences! I had to work to like physicallly translate what he was saying. On somethings I just gave up. A cool thing is that my big brother Ken is in that class too. That should be fun. Then I wont not know anybody! lol.

My computer class isnt a computer class really at all. Like I THOUGHT! Its a class about how computers affect our everyday lives! Ugh, man I always have this happen to me. But I need this one as a pre-requisite for the programming class afterwards, so I have to stick it out. It shouldnt be toooo hard. The guy seems ok. But the cool thing is that he said he made up his own curve to keep people from failing. He said he will take the highest grade in the class and make that score an A and the lowest will be like a C- and if you have a score anywhere in between you will get about a B average. Which rocks! I am aiming for a 3.5-4.0 this semester. I am going to work my ass off for it!!!!!

God school is so damn expensive! My job isnt paying me shit. My boss is pussyfooting around the raise that he OWES me damnit! I'm serisouly about to go looking for another job. I found alot of good ones that are paying like 10-12 an hour online with careerbuilder.com. And after talking to a friend he said he makes an assload at Olive Garden. Which I believe. Hell I work in Ann Arbor, so that shouldnt be a problem. I just think its ass that I am making shit for money when I could go out and find another job that makes so much more than me. I make 8.50 an hour and right now am putting in about 30 hours a week. Since my boss is paying me himself for the moment, thats about $510 every two weeks. Seems like alot but its really not.... ugh. the stress!! Why cant I just win the lottery?? ::sigh::

Well, I SHOULD be working but theres nothing to do and I am bored as HELL!!!!!!! I'm going to go drive to the store to get some soda or something. Peace!

P.S. Some people are sooooo dumb! It makes me want to laugh at them. Oh wait I already am. I hate people who like to have everything that other people have. I'm not going to give examples because you know what I mean. I mean dude, you CANT have everything! Trust me. It just makes me feel sorry for the people who have to be better than everyone else, even if they cant afford to. I mean if my best friend went out and bought a cooler car than me, I'm not going to whine then go out and buy it too! Because everyone KNOWs why you did it. Plus maybe she got a better deal than I will get. Or like if someone has a pair of shoes, I'm not going to go out and buy them too. Its bullshit. PLEASE GROW UP!! Thanks! lol
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