Oct 14, 2004 09:27
Yep, this weather reflects my mood. I was drving to work, wishing that I didnt have to get up this morning to go to work.
And on the way to work, the weather and the gloomyness outside made me just feel downright pissed of at everything. But you know what? I am sick of being upset and jealous of people. Sick of feeling like the world is out to get me....ok I think I'll still be a little mad about that one for now. But I put too much emphasis on having a guy around. Instead of giving advice I need to take my own advice. And you know what? In the process of about 5 minutes, I feel fine! I doint need a guy. I dont have time for one right now. I'm only 19. I shouldnt be worrying about all that shit. Besides, you always find a guy when you arent looking for one. You never find one when you are looking.
I am a 19 year old Sophomore at college, not having nearly enough fun. Not drinking enough, working too much, stressing too much, studying too much....EVERYTHING TOO MUCH!!!!!! AHHHHH!! I think I am going to dye my hair tonight. I'm thinking a black. I wanted to save my money and do it red, like get it professionally done so that it lasts longer, but I think I will wait till I start making some serious money over break.
Until then, I am going to work hard so I dont stress about work so much, study only when I have to, and drink when I wanna!!!!!