Nov 12, 2003 18:31
I got an A* for my history coursework on monday (thanks Pughy!) and I got my first A in science today. It felt good knowing that I really worked for that A cause a month ago I got an F.
I received my english prize last night. That was one long-winded speech by an old fat guy. I only kept myself awake (not lying there at all) by playing songs through in my head.
I couldn't resist getting some travel brochures on India as I passed Co-op Travel at the weekend. I don't want to go on any of those package holiday things - not my style - I just wanted to look at the pictures. I discovered a place in the middle of the Indian ocean in the Seychelles that I just have to go to some day - Dennis Island. Well, when I've left the shit-hole we call school in two years I'll be there.