OOC Stats//Permissions Meme

Jul 30, 2020 13:03

Full name: Kusajishi Yachiru
Name they go by: Yachiru
Nicknames: Fukutaicho - Yumichika (massive_ego ), Pink Sparkle Fly Girl - Waspinator (buzzer_bot ), Yachi-chan - Occasionally Ukitake (inukitake ), Maiden or Bloodlust Maiden - Alucard(king_no_life )

Actual Age: Unknown, though is probably over 200
Physical Age: 7- 10
Birthday: Unknown
Height: About 4 feet or so
Weight: 50- odd pounds
Medical Info: Yachiru is a shinigami, so technically, she's already dead. She also gets very hyper off small amounts of candy or sugar and has inhuman muscle power.

Animal features: Firefly wings and antenna
Tattoo: Back of neck
Eyes: Pinkish-brown
Hair: Pink
Physical traits: Very small and adorable
Alignment: Neutral. She's friends with some 'bad' guys, like Grell and 'good' guys, like Yumichika
Sexuality: You expect a little girl to have a sexuality?!

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything. Just don't insult Kenpachi, or she will freak.
Abilities: Very fast, very strong and has a zanpaku-tou, though she has never been seen using it.
Notes for the Psychics: She's very childish and you'll probably find plenty of violent things in there.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Feel free.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Go ahead, she'll probably return the gesture. As long as it's not pedo-minded.
Maim/Murder/Death: Okay it with me, alright?
Cooking: You can't cook candy silly.

Anything else of note? Yachi regards violence as a very normal, okay thing. Blame Ken-chan.

ooc, stats//permissions

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