***Sigh*** Update

Feb 05, 2013 17:26

Things, well are going well for the most part. New place is starting to become like old place at work. I can't seem to find people willing to switch anymore. Guess it's a sign I need to stop needing to switch shifts or take days out to just relax anymore.

Semester has started and I already feel like I'm overwhelmed. I feel like I need a break from everything lately. Have a friend living in my living room so I don't even have a space to escape to anymore to be just by myself in the house if everyone is home.

And I totally messed up and forgot to mention that it would be appropriate in future if they asked for people to stay over even though it would most likely be okay. *shakes head*

I'm at a place where all I feel underneath is unfettered frustration. Maybe it's time I went somewhere and stayed there by myself for a while. Makes me wish I was still living with Chelsea.

Things with River are like it would be with any couple at this point. Our lives don't mesh together like they use to and I feel like I really don't spend that much time with her even when I'm here, I feel like I'm not here. *shakes head* I am just confused and stressed and I'm not sure why all I'm feeling is tense lately. Perhaps it's the pressure of school and work being full time.

In the fall, I'm suppose to apply to the BSW program and that means I need to have time for an internship and I have no clue how this is going to work out. I feel like all I do lately is spend time alone in the house, but not really doing anything that is relaxing. Lately all it is is trying to work out bills and all that other adult crap that has to get done. Even when I've tried to take time out for relaxing, I stress about the fact that if I've not been able to switch that I'm losing money. Why the hell is money so damn important?

Why does it feel like I never got the chance to be like everyone else and not have to worry about all the adult stuff when I was younger. Why do I feel like all that I seem to do is support myself, look out for myself?

Well guess thats enough pouring out my thoughts.
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