Aug 27, 2004 12:12
Spell your name backwards: anoel
The story behind your name: have no idea
3 words that sum you up: brunette,dumb,tired
Wallet: purple FIBO wallet
Pillow cover: purple
Coffee cup: horse cup
Shoes: thongs
fav. pants: ribbon pants
Cd in stereo right now: A compilation
What are you wearing now: School uniform
Hair: down
In my mouth right now: teeth?
In my head: a song
Talking to: erica
Some of your fave movies: Goofy?
The last thing you ate: youghurt
Do you like candles? yeah they are so relaxing
Do you like incense? yes
Do you believe in love? yes
Do you believe in soulmates? yes
Do you believe in love @ first sight? no
Do you believe in forgiveness? yes
What are 3 places you wouldnt mind relocating to? Italy,germany or france
What are some of your fave pig out foods? chocolate and pasta
What's something you wish you could understand better? religion
Anyone you miss that you havent seen in a long time? my uncle
Cried? yes
Bought something? no
Gotten sick? yes
Sung: yes
Done anything illegal? no
Eaten? yes
Been kissed? No
Felt stupid? yes
Wanted to tell someone you loved them? yes
Met someone new? no
Hugged someone? yes
Fought with your parents? no
Dreamt about someone you can't be with? no
Best friend: astrid or courtney (in kingaroy)
Hobbies: shopping or horse riding
Are you the centre of attention or a wallflower? mostly a wallflower
Would you rather be with friends or on a date? be with friends they last longer
Where is the best hangout? dont really know on that one
Who do you argue with the most? dad
Who do you always get along with? mum
Who is the smartest? ????
Who is your hero? My grandad