(no subject)

Jul 05, 2006 07:14

Maybe one about the happenings?
Ok, this is meant to be read kinda like the fast section in REM's "The End of the World As We Know It" or The World's on Fire (or whatever that song is called)

AP Testing, 1, 2. Space Day. Little Kids. SOLs. Don't goto PARC. Finals. Graduation, not for me, obviously. 1 more year. Summer time. End of School. Prom. Didn't Go. H-Fest Sucked. H-Fest Rocked. Race the morning after prom. Big Ass Horsefly. Co-Captain. Got the laptop. Laptop Sucks. Laptop go Boom. Re-install Windows. Dirver CD fails. Need Windows! Boot Camp=Traitor. iPod fixed. Quit TAG. Join Veritas. Veritas Collapse. Re-join TAG. Right Binding Drop. ITR got it. FUCK. Painted a Mini. /Gasp /Shock /Horror. Didn't post in Livejournal. Posting in Livejournal. Doodoodoo Dododo Doooo dooo doodo do!
Yearbooks sucked. Robotics & Fine Arts robbed. Jackie put herself in 3 billion times. Capitol Hill. WILDSTANG. Team Party. No pool. David in a dress, again :D. Andrew's BBQ. Guitar Hero. Dooo dooo doodododo dododo DOoo doo DOo!
F in Mayall 4th quarter. GPA of 3.13. 1 more year, yayayay! Final Countdown the senior song!?! ROCK ON! Da Vinci code was Ok. Still havn't seen X-Men. WIE @ IEEE. New DVD. State Fair? Battlebots=cool again. Only if it was 4 years ago. Who needs sleep? Who needs to wake up? VAULT! World Cup. US out. Everyone lost interest. TAG up to Nef. Peter cut his hair. David cut his hair. Dan refuses to cut his hair. Whatever, no more, cant think.
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